puris bathroom furniture bears the "Golden M".
The "Golden M" is awarded by the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e. V. (DGM) which, as the RAL Quality Association, has the task of ensuring the quality of furniture and strengthening consumer protection. Furniture manufacturers have to meet very high standards if they want to receive the seal. The criteria for testing are among the strictest for furniture anywhere in Europe. Find out more at

puris bathroom furniture is healthy to live with and bears the quality seal with emission class A.
Emission class A meets the requirements for the limits that are also used as the basis for the Blue Angel, based on the wood material used. Regular proof of this classification is verified by means of pollutant tests. The quality seal is awarded by the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e. V. (DGM). Find out more at

puris bathroom furniture is entirely climate-neutral in manufacture.
Sustainable thinking shapes our daily actions. For years we have been striving to reduce our ecological footprint, and to this end have already implemented numerous CO2 reduction measures. As part of a strict process, the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e. V. (DGM) checks and analyses a company's direct and indirect emissions. We are proud that our efforts in environmental and climate protection have been rewarded with the quality seal "Climate-neutral furniture manufacturer". Find out more at

puris bathroom furniture is manufactured exclusively in Germany.
Industrially manufactured quality products from Germany are regarded worldwide as a predicate for outstanding product quality. The RAL seal, which has been awarded to our puris bathroom furniture, conveys this high quality standard to the consumer. The construction, assembly and quality tests of our bathroom furniture all take place in Germany. The manufacturing process that is relevant to the quality also takes place exclusively in Germany. We are loyal to Brilon in the Sauerland as a location, and plan to remain so in the future. Find out more about the seal at